Are you devout iPhone user? Don’t think you could ever give up that beautifully finished aluminum handset? Well Eric Schmidt, ex-CEO, now executive chairman of Google, has written a succinct guide that he thinks may change your mind. Whether you’re sick of iOS7 or just want a breath of fresh air in your smartphoning life, it’s worth a read.
Eric sells the bonuses of an Android handset (larger and better displays, apparently faster too) and even thinks an Android handset would make a great christmas gift for an iPhone user. I’d like to see that go down.
The big bonus that Android offers, in Eric’s opinion, is it’s cloud savviness. Having been both an Android and iPhone user I would have to concur on this point. Especially if you’re a Gmail user because basically all your files are kept online and accessible wherever you are. You can upload all your work to your Google Drive account and both access and edit Google Docs, Spreadsheets and Graphs on the go. Great for that quick work catch up on the train.
Better yet Google Music allows you to upload 20,000 of your own songs on to their service (on top of being able to stream the same catalog as Rdio, Spotify) so you can access most artists and even your own music library on the go. Eric’s got you there Apple. iCloud is good but it’s also struck down by DRM that requires any song you upload to have been bought from the iTunes store. Say goodbye to those CDs you legitimately ripped.
Obviously Android really benefits those tied in to the Google Apps suite but the genius of Google being open with their applications means you can get in on the game even with an Apple device. Google offers all their applications cross-platform so you can even get everything synced from your iDevice now and pick up where you left off with an Android device.
The bonus of using Google Apps with an Android device as opposed to an iDevice is that the whole experience is centered around your google account. All your applications, contacts, SMS and notifications are tied to your account which means consistency between your desktop computer and mobile. Chrome on Android even can pick up the tabs you’ve left open on your desktop version of Chrome. Pretty neat huh?
While most of Eric’s guide could be seen as a fanatic preaching to choir, there are some good points he highlights. Especially for those considering switching sides. Still hesitant? Give the guide a read here.
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